What Is Patta Chitta and How To Apply Online?

Patta Chitta Online

We have witnessed a huge shift from offline to online in recent years, this has resulted in many sectors taking a step towards entering the world of Digital. Due to which the Real estate sector is in the process of maintaining digital records.

Initiatives like “Chitta Patta” have made it possible for states to bring in digitization in the way they function.

What is Chitta?

Chitta is an official document introduced by the Tamil Nadu government that includes all the real estate transactions made in the state. The documents are handled by the concerned Village Administrative Officer and Taluka Office.

A Chitta divides the real estate land into two major categories, Punjai and Nanjai, and also states the accurate details of the size, area, ownership, and property details. In true meaning, Punjai means a wetland that has fewer bodies of water and ample facilities. And Nanjai means dry land with a good amount of water that includes rivers, canals, ponds, etc.

What is Patta?

Patta is a legal document introduced by the Tamil Nadu Government that includes the property owner’s name. It also includes information about the land’s size, location, survey data, and ownership details. Anyone buying a property in the state needs to get their Patta documentation certified.

This ensures that the property is legal by presenting necessary government documents. The seller must have Patta details for the land they are selling. You can get the Patta certification from the Tahsildars office of your district.

Patta is also considered to be a revenue record for the property. It is an essence provided by the Register of landholdings and circulated in the name of the individual whose holdings record exists. It is a tool that displays information about the ownership details of a particular property. There are three ways in which the right to property can be acquired:

  1. Mutual Act between both the parties: this type of agreement is protected by the transfer of property Act.
  2. Bequest or Inheritance: Succession law covers these type of property rights.
  3. By tribunals, trials, and state intervention, etc.

Empty land needs Patta as it is an initial document to obtain legal building ownership. It is also a key document that proves lawful possession of properties that have constructions and buildings.

Not only that, it has information such as the number of holdings and dimensions of the land. It is a legal document that is mandatory only for lands and not buildings.

However, there are instances where Patta may have details linked with buildings. For apartments, the land is jointly owned in undivided shares and Patta is not issued for undivided land shares. However, if required, you can combine Patta in the names of the co-owners.

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Easy steps to apply for Chitta Patta online

The Government of Tamil Nadu has combined The Patta and Chitta to smoothen the documentation process of buying or owning a real estate property. Here are some of the few steps you can follow to get started.

1. Log on to the official website of Chitta Patta. The beauty of the website is that it is available in two languages, English and Tamil, so you can fill in the details according to your preference.

2. You need to select the Chitta Patta, TSLR extract, and FMB. Mention the district where your property is located.

Include property information for which you require a Chitta Patta. It also consists of details like Village name, Taluk, Survey number, Subdivision number, Block, etc.

3. You will be issued a certificate from the Town Survey Land Registry if your property details are correct. This certificate includes information like the location, survey number, type of land, etc.

The Chitta Patta document is controlled and inspected by the government of Tamil Nadu and the fee to fill the form is Rs. 100/- only. The documents give you all the required information about the property. You can also check your validity details through your reference number.

Source Link: Chitta Patta Online

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